
Bounding Revenue Comparisons across Multi-Unit Auction Formats under ε-Best Response

Bounding Revenue Comparisons across Multi-Unit Auction Formats under ε-Best Response JTE Chapman, D McAdams, HJ Paarsch - The American Economic Review, 2007まぁ、上の論文と基本は一緒なんだけど、上の論文の手法をつかって価値の分布のBoundを推…

Bounding Best-Response Violations in Discriminatory Auctions with Private Values

Bounding Best-Response Violations in Discriminatory Auctions with Private Values JTE Chapman, D McAdams, HJ Paarsch - Typescript. Iowa City, 2006論文の要点は、 Independent Private Valueな Discriminatory Auction(Pay-as-bid) Multiunit Auct…

Chapman, McAdams and Paarsch

Chapman, McAdams and Paarschの2作関連してる論文を読んだのでまとめて